About Us

Creative. Innovative. Independent.

Since 2005, New Renaissance Pictures has been a trailblazer in new media and independent cinema.

Combining high-quality talent and innovative low-budget workflows, our filmmakers first broke new ground in digital media with popular web series like The Black Dawn, The Seventh Spectrum, and Cataclysmo, described by YouTube as “some of the best dramas the web has to offer.”

In 2009, The Black Dawn also became the company’s first TV series, airing in syndication and playing in more than fifty countries worldwide. Followed by other independent productions, New Renaissance’s TV series and films have played on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, NBC Nonstop, and WebSerials.com.

Today, New Renaissance Pictures is focused on crafting compelling independently-produced content with unique creative voices and fresh perspectives. Check out our latest productions . . .